About The Program

Cleveland Right to Life and Salem Radio Launch First-ever Pro-life Radio Program
On Monday, October 17, 2011, Cleveland Right to Life broke new ground when they launched From the Median, a daily report from the Frontline of the Pro-life Movement on Salem Radio’s WHKW 1220 AM – The Word. In 2015, From the Median began airing in the Detroit Salem market on FaithTalks 1500. In 2021 AM 1060 “Living Bread Radio” an EWTN affiliate began to air From the Median twice daily on Tuesday and Thursdays. AM 1060 is heard in the Akron/Canton market. This expanded reach has resulted in our life-saving message reaching more listeners every day.
From the Median brings into sharp contrast the two sides of the greatest human rights issue of our time: those defending the Right to Life for all, and those who are headed in the exact opposite direction – the industries and people that profit from abortion, embryonic stem cell research, human cloning, euthanasia and the social engineering of the family.
Host Molly Smith, whose name is synonymous with the pro-life message in Ohio, encourages listeners to “join me for an hour between the divided highway of the two worldviews that are driving our culture apart, and ask yourself: ‘which side of the road am I on? In what direction do I want our culture to go?’ ”
From the Median regularly features national pro-life celebrities, as well as state and local experts, who bring their extensive knowledge and experience to spread the pro-life message.

Smith concludes, “From the Median asks you to stop and study the roadmap of history before you continue your life’s journey, considering the roadblocks, hazard signals and caution signs of social policy, science, law and more. The program helps map our journey, and assures us that the destination to seek is one that upholds the moral principals upon which our great country is founded.
” WHKW 1220 The Word and WLQV FAITH TALKS 1500 both have a 50,000-watt signal, the strongest station signal of its kind on the network. The combined stations signals reach 9.5 million residents and have a weekly audience of one million listeners. The programs are available for download on www.FromTheMedian.org.
Advertisements are accepted, and interested parties should contact Cleveland Right to Life at 440-668-4049.
These Programs also rely on Listener support. Go to our website – www.ClevelandRightToLife.org; or send your check to Cleveland Right to Life Education, Inc.; or call 440-668-4049.