Podcast Category: Engagement

  • The Plight of Transgenders

    November 13, 2023
    Airdate 8-23-23: Susan Ciancio is a writer, freelance editor and editor for Celebrate Life Magazine.  She discusses the need to…
  • The Adversity of Diversity

    September 21, 2023
    Airdate 9-21-23; Dr. Carol Swain who is the founder of Carol Swain Enterprises discusses why she believes that the end…
  • Planned Parenthood is Racist

    June 8, 2023
    Airdate 6-8-23: Hugh Brown who is Executive Vice President of the American Life League discusses how he and his family…
  • A Move to Ban Pornography?

    April 20, 2023
    Airdate 4-20-23: Fr. Shenan Boquet who is President of Human Life International discusses the increasing legislative restrictions on the access…
  • Your Pro-Life Bottom Line?

    October 11, 2022
    Airdate 10-11-22: Brett Attebery who is President & CEO of Heroic Media, discusses his strategy to win this war on…